Audio Downloads (single tracks)
This is MP3 Version 9.5 (February 2025)
It is highly recommended to download the Biblia Mirecurensia PDF texts (see the Texts download tab) to be used together with the recordings. Since Biblia Mirecurensia is constantly being updated and improved, make sure to download the latest Text version (February 2025)
Torah (Single tracks)
First Prophets (Single tracks)
Major Prophets (Single tracks)
Minor Prophets (Single tracks)
Psalm Job Proverbs (Single tracks)
Five Scrolls (Single tracks)
Other Ktuvim (Single tracks)
1. Ευαγγελιαι και πραξεις (Single tracks)
2. Επιστολαι του Παυλου (Single tracks)
3. Καθολικαι επιστολαι (Single tracks)
4. Γραφαι του Ιωαννου (Single tracks)
הברית החדשה (דליטש)
1. Gospels and Acts (Single tracks) 4 הבשורות + מעה''ש
2. Epistles of Paul (Single tracks) אגרות פאולוס
3. Catholic epistles (Single tracks) האגרות הכלליות
4. Johannine writings (Single tracks) כתבי יוחנן
De Imitatione Christi (Single tracks)